#219 Ukraina - (Ukraine)


Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we talk about  Ukraina - (Ukraine).
To get the Court Course Mentioned in this Episode - How To Win in Court Its at the top of this link https://bio.link/podcaster
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To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit http://roycoughlan.com/
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To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits http://polonuslodz.com/
In this Episode we discuss:
Martwić się- Worry
Pomoc- Help
Wsparcie- Support
Solidarność- Solidarity
Empatia- Empathy
Możemy wpłacić pieniądze- We can deposit money
Możemy zaprosić do naszego domu- We can invite you to our home
Ludzie udostępniają swój dom- People share their home
Możemy kupić produkty, jedzenie, ubrania, kosmetyki- We can buy products, food, clothes, cosmetics
Możemy pomóc w nauce języka polskiego- We can help to learn Polish
Darmowe lekcje języka polskiego- Free Polish language lessons
Możemy pomóc w adaptacji w nowym kraju- We can help with adaptation in a new country
Możemy pomóc znaleźć pracę- We can help you find a job
Musimy wspierać się wszyscy razem- We must all support each other
Donations to the Ukraine as Discussed.
Give the name Anastasia Derecha on the Transfer to ensure it goes for Ukraine help.
If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit http://polonuslodz.com/
All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers - http://roycoughlan.com/
All Social Media + Donations https://linktr.ee/learnpolish
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